Sunday 22 September 2013

Apothekes und Shisha.

So this week has been another eye opener in the student town of Marburg...

and I have finally had a Currywurst! Yep, I strolled up to an Imbiss (chippy) and ordered my first Curry-sauce covered sausage (don't make jokes now, you dirty people) and for only 2.50 euros, it was bloody lovely! Bargain too. But that has not been the only first of the week. 

Last night (Saturday) a few friends and I went for our weekly night out, emphasis on the "weekly", uhuh I'm a changed woman now, I only drink once a week... Anyway, we went into town and stumbled across a lovely little Shisha bar called Sinbad's. As we walked into the smoke-filled, crypt like bar, I couldn't help but think I was actually in the Middle East due to the decor and the cool wall paintings. But then I heard the music. One word. Eminem. Yes, they were playing "hit" after "hit" of the american rap singer and also chucking in a few German rap singers - one who I actually quite liked called Jonesmann who's song "Warum bin ich hier" left me thinking exactly that...but anyway, the Shisha was great.

Afterwards we went to the Oberstadt (the old town) in Marburg and found a lovely like pub called Dungeon. Despite the name it was actually very pleasant. Well pleasant that is, until a German stag party walked into the underground bunker of a pub. What followed after I would rather not say on here because my parents read this, who then probably read it to my granny, but let me just say that my friends and I unwillingly saw a lot of German sausage last night - not the nice kind. 

Moving swiftly on. We soon left the "sausage" dungeon and went to a club called DESBARADO... get it? which was really good. Even if a single vodka and lemonade was 6 euros. Don't worry I didn't have one, I had a Bier. Sehr deutsch, oder? 

After about an hour in this trendy club, it was around 3am and my friends and I got the munchies so went on the search for Döner. And we found it, really quickly. Can I just say, IT IS THE BEST DRUNK FOOD. No joke, I had cheese with the kebab and that made it even better. The Imbiss wasn't too shabby either, even if they did blare out 1D the entire time we were in there. (I swear no eatery or bar I have been too this week has been able to set the right atmosphere with their choice of music, must be a german thing.)

Safe to say, this morning I was not feeling great. But I suppose there is no one else to blame other than myself. Ahh alcohol, until next weekend.

To cure my hangover, I should have probably got out of my pit of a bed and got some asprin, but could I be bothered? NO. Which leads me onto my next point of the week. Apothekes or pharmacys in english.

They are everywhere. I'm not kidding. On every street there is a pharmacy and it's kind of worrying. Why do the Germans need that many medical supplies so readily available? Are they permanently sick? I haven't yet been into one and I have an ongoing joke with a friend to not go in one all year if I can help it. But I suppose it's nice to know that if I did take a tumble and needed a plaster, help is not far away, at all.

Anyway, that is all from me this week. I am quite tired and might still be a little drunk whilst writing this so bear with. But I must go and study*. 


*By study, I mean watch the German elections and nurse my hangover with copious amounts of tea.

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