Sunday 13 October 2013

Ich bin (k)ein Alkoholiker...

But this week has been fresher's week here so don't judge just yet.

In all seriousness though, this week was the first week since being in Marburg where I have gone out to nightclubs pretty much very night. GERMAN NIGHTCLUBS.

In short, there isn't really much difference between nightclubs in Germany and in the UK...aesthetically speaking. 

Erste Punkt, you can smoke indoors. Yep, smoking inside is allowed in Germany in these special Rauchen rooms. However as people get more and more drunk, they forget to shut the door to this special death room. Consequently, all your clothes absolutely stink of smoke. Hence why I am having to do two washes this evening!

ALSO, drinks are sooo cheap in the clubs. In the UK I would probably pay about £3.00-£5.00 for a double vodka, lemon and lime (my preferred tipple) and here, it's on average 2.50 euros for a beer, 1 euro for a shot and about 3 euros for vodka mixes. If you don't know the conversion rates off the top of your head, shame on you, but what I am trying to get at is that it's so goddamn cheap. 

So it's pretty standard in Germany to go to a few pubs before you go to the main club for the night, you know, get the nice civilised part of the night out the way and then head out to the clubs for the not so civilised part. And I like it this way. This way you can have more chats with friends over a glass of fine wine, play a bit of fooseball with some germans (they love it over here) and generally have a great predrinks without the embarrassing "drinking games", you know the ones....they of course have them here too.

One thing I will say about German nightclubs, or the ones I have been to anyway, is that they have severe air conditioning issues. Meaning, there is none. I swear I have never been so hot in my life as when I first stepped in to a club called UNIX. This place was similar in temperature to stepping off a plane in Turkey, in summer. Bloody hot. This temperature mixed with dancing, you don't need to be a genius to figure out how I looked at the end of the night, but let's just say I was going home alone. Don't feel too sorry for me though, I soon found a doner place and comfort ate myself out of my perspiration station.  

This week I have indulged not only in cheap, bottom-shelf Wodka, but also a lot of fast food, and Mum before you judge me, it was Fresher's week. And out here it is the magical Döner that is the most favoured post-club snack. In the UK we have cheesy chips, but here Döner is not like a doner in the UK, it's SOOO much better! Plus you get so much salad in it and it's not the warm, vitamin-lacking, poor excuse for vegetables that get shoved on top of the doner back in England, but crisp, ripe, salad that adds to the overall enjoyment of the Döner and ultimately makes you feel a lot better about eating a 500 calorie snack at 4am in the morning.

Apart from that, this week has been relatively quiet. But I start lectures on Tuesday, finally! I almost forgot why I was here in drink...? NO.
Najaaa. Time to go and get my washing out of the dryer and then go to bed (organised I know). I bid you all a good week!!


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