Sunday 20 October 2013

WARUM ich hier bin.

So this week I started UNI. Wooooop! (Said no one ever).

I wasn't too nervous about starting lectures at Philipps-Univeristät because I just imagined it would be the same as in England, but in German. AND I WAS RIGHT. The lectures are pretty similar you know, you have:

  • Your bog-standard humanities lecturer, by that I mean 1) they wear clothes that look like they have just grabbed them out the washing basket because they have been working/sleeping so much recently they forgot to put a wash on, 2) they don't wait for anyone or anything before they start a lecture and if you happen to be the last one in the room then they give you daggers as you awkwardly pull out the loudest chair in the room and sit down in your unnecessarily loud rain mac, trying not to breathe heavily either 3) they don't look interested in anything or anyone to do with their lecture, and their body language reflects this as they stand there in the middle of the room talking in a monotone voice, staring blankly out of the window, daydreaming of how if they had worked that little bit harder whilst writing their thesis they may not have to be in a lecture hall with a bunch of 20 somethings at 8am in the morning.
  • The shitty chairs and tables in some seminar rooms which remind you of distant times in secondary school.
  • The awkward silence that comes before the first lecture because NO ONE KNOWS ANYONE and in this case, no one know which language to speak so sometimes the silence is disturbed by someone going "sorry?" or "WAS? Ich kann kein Deutsch" (What? I don't speak german) and then the constant tapping of fingertips on smart phones as people try to look cool by talking to their friends via some social network, meaning they don't have to look up and acknowledge anyone else in the room or make repeated eye contact with the same person so many times it then just becomes a bit awkward. (I am so a culprit of this, Snapchat is my favourite mode of communication in these situations.)
  • They never start on time. Because as I have already pointed out in my blog, the Germans are never on time with anything - but I kind of like that, it suits my lifestyle better.
  • The work seems okay...until you turn over the handout and realise there is a term paper or coursework worth some ridiculous amount of percentage and you slightly panic that you're suddenly not into Gothic Fiction literature, German grammar or German in general anymore.
But despite my natural cynicism towards pretty much everything, this week has been enjoyable. I feel like my classes are manageable especially considering I have a dissertation to write this year. 
It just so happens as well, that I have unknowingly taken too many credits this semester. Meaning I will have 25/30 credits needed for the whole academic year by the end of semester 1. RESULT. 

So yeah Uni started, which means that of course we are still going out partying and this week has been pretty mental*. A friend visited me here in rainy Marburg and so it was nice showing her the town and taking her for her first ever AUFLAUF (always capitalised remember). But we ended up going to my favourite little pub called Südhaus. It's like a little cottage down a side alley (of which there are an abundance in Marburg, what with it being so "oldy-worldy" and all.)
Something else I should mention because I promised her I would mention it in my blog this week is that my vegetarian friend ate meat this week and by meat I mean Döner. If that isn't the definition of mental then I don't know what is to be honest. Very proud of her.

I think I will leave it there for this week, not much else has happened. Oh I joined the gym, YAY. The amount of AUFLAUF and Döner I have eaten in the past 2 months means that now I need to start vigorous exercise at least 3 times a week just to maintain my current shape.
Must go though, have an 8am tomorrow (oh yes, that is something else, uni starts earlier here. WHY THOUGH GERMANY, WHY? There are enough hours in the day?!?!) so I will bid you all a good night!


*by mental I mean, I went out twice and I signed up for a self defence class.

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